Castrén & Snellman

Castrén & Snellman's competencies (Lawfirms' directories)

Practice Area Jurisdiction Rank Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Last Quarter
Debt Capital MarketsFINLAND152858318
Energy & InfrastructuresFINLAND1329516235
Public LawFINLAND11505252
Commercial LawFINLAND159523046
Executive CompensationFINLAND11502501
Restructuring & InsolvencyFINLAND13550001
Corporate M&AFINLAND33961131548
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisoryFINLAND33445144718
Competition LawFINLAND574095011
Real EstateFINLAND5570222913
Equity Capital MarketsFINLAND616556311
Tax FinanceFINLAND615251
Practice Area Jurisdiction Rank Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Last Quarter

Client Reviews

Client Reviews provides a qualitative rating based on Partners' Clients feedback assessment

Communication Skills

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Technical skills

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Perceived Added Value

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Ranking 2022: Castrén & Snellman

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Commercial LawFINLAND59523046
Competition LawFINLAND62512978
Corporate M&AFINLAND4125141842
Debt Capital MarketsFINLAND64358318
Energy & InfrastructuresFINLAND320020224
Equity Capital MarketsFINLAND16556311
Executive CompensationFINLAND1502501
Public LawFINLAND1505252
Real EstateFINLAND500209311
Restructuring & InsolvencyFINLAND5026252
Tax FinanceFINLAND15251
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisoryFINLAND3740162416
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Ranking 2021: Castrén & Snellman

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Commercial LawFINLAND2255135010
Competition LawFINLAND523521946
Corporate M&AFINLAND6760134926
Debt Capital MarketsFINLAND289022467
Dispute ResolutionFINLAND5251
Energy & InfrastructuresFINLAND58011606
Equity Capital MarketsFINLAND215926
Executive CompensationFINLAND150751
Investment Fund - Assets ManagementFINLAND22521752
Public LawFINLAND48516384
Real EstateFINLAND2425191416
Restructuring & InsolvencyFINLAND352501
Tax FinanceFINLAND82522255
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisoryFINLAND1095190110
Transport LawFINLAND15006001
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Ranking 2020: Castrén & Snellman

Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier
Commercial LawFINLAND71545083
Competition LawFINLAND1970180714
Corporate M&AFINLAND4275160228
Debt Capital MarketsFINLAND233515839
Dispute ResolutionFINLAND7523563
Energy & InfrastructuresFINLAND109518336
Equity Capital MarketsFINLAND5511833
Executive CompensationFINLAND1501501
Investment Fund - Assets ManagementFINLAND552501
Public LawFINLAND45253
Real EstateFINLAND25520138
Restructuring & InsolvencyFINLAND5251
Tax CorporateFINLAND55050001
Tax FinanceFINLAND5251
Tax M&A and Deal AdvisoryFINLAND1920145311
Practice Area Jurisdiction Agg. Deals Value Clients Dimension N. of Transactions Tier

Significant Clients

The chart shows a balanced list of the Castrén & Snellman's client portfolio - based on PBV Monitor's Analyzed Transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The chart shows a balanced list of Castrén & Snellman partners - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The Chart shows a balanced list of Castrén & Snellman's Co-Counsel Law Firm - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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The Chart shows a balanced list of Castrén & Snellman's other Firms involved - based on PBV Monitor's analyzed transactions during last Twelve Mounths
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Peer Reviews

The Peer Reviews provides a qualitative rating based on Counterparts / Referees' feedback assessment

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